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Emailsherlock for Chrome

The free tool to verify email addresses directly in your browser. It checks the email syntax and checks if the email address really exists.

Check if the Email Exists

Emailsherlock Chrome Extension checks if the email address really exists. It connects to the mail server and checks if the mailbox exists or not.

Checking Email Host Score

The Chrome Extension calculates the email host score. It checks if the email host is configured correctly and has a good reputation.

Tracking Email history

The Chrome Extension tracks the email history. It checks if the email address has been used in any data breaches or if it has been involved in any spam.

On the fly verification

Verify Email Addresses on the fly

Emailsherlock Chrome Extension is a free tool to verify email addresses directly in your browser. It checks the email syntax, looks for typos and checks if the email address really exists. Verify while browsing the web and copy-paste email addresses from any website.

Install Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension Premium

Currently, the Chrome Extension is in beta. We are working on the premium version. With our Mailchimp Waitlist, you can get early access to the premium version.